Air Compressor for Spray Painting

Mahabir Pershad And Sons Agencies under the brand name 'Taruu' are the foremost direct drive portable Air Compressor for Spray Painting Suppliers in Delhi. Over the past few years and thanks to their experience and dedication, they have developed the most logically correct, trouble-free, and user-friendly range of painting compressors. They are the preferred/trusted suppliers of many painting contractors and industries related to a painting job. Our customer reviews on various platforms are a testimony to our quality and commitment. Please allow us to claim ourselves as a best-in-class Air Compressor for Spray Painting Manufacturer and Supplier in india for portable type, direct drive,  air compressor for spray painting.


Q1. What is an ideal tank size for a spray painting air compressor?
Ans. Actually we should be focusing on the pump. The pump has to be capable of generating the required volume of air & pressure to support the gun and thereafter the smallest size for the tank is ok. (Spray painting page link)
Q2. What is the role of a storage tank with an air compressor?
A) To give the motor & pump some rest. This can happen only when the demand for compressed air is much less that the pump output capacity.
B) To provide sufficient air without much pressure drop to a pneumatic cylinder provided the gap /interval between the strokes is sufficient for the pump to recharge the tank to its original/required level of pressure.
Q3. Which air compressor is better for spray painting, oil free or oil lubricated?
Both can be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

Criteria Oil Free Oil Lubricated
Life, duty cycle   ✓
Noise ✓  
Cost   ✓

Tips On Selecting & Protecting A Portable Air Compressor For Spray Painting

1. A direct drive air compressor is a good choice for those who are looking for a professional grade, compact & affordable product.
2. The pump alone should be able to support the gun you wish to use in terms of pressure & air consumption without the support of the reservoir. And hence choosing a smaller tank is wise as it improves handling, cost & transportation.
3. Select a model with good quality motor & pump as they are the heart of any air compressor
4. It is better to have a quality motor with aluminum wire rather than going for an inadequate motor with copper wire as there are other important criteria to determine the efficiency of a motor than just the wire being used.
5. Ensure that the supplier is in a position to offer after sales service
6. Please Ensure that the material of construction is of a proper gauge & is not of some cheap or brittle alloy for core components like the check valve, outlet header, suction filter etc.
7. Please Ensure that the unit has enough safety features like a pressure switch, pressure release valve, properly fitted & set to correct values.
8. Please choose an oil lubricated pump over an oil free as the former is economical & more resistant to wear & tear.
Maintenance & Protection
1. Please Supply Non fluctuating Power supply in the range of 220-230(V)
2. Check oil window from time to time and ensure the recommended oil level is maintained.
3. Place your compressor on a flat surface.
4. Do not change factory settings.
5. Do not use your air compressor without suction filter and clean it from time to time.
6. Change the oil after 200-300 hours of running.
7. Place the compressor away from dusty & painting area & the area should be well ventilated.
8. Do not let water accumulate in the air reservoir.